HIway Connections Map

The HIway Connections Map shows the provider organizations that are connected to the Mass HIway. The map was developed by MeHI, the Massachusetts eHealth Institute, and is maintained in partnership with the Mass HIway.

You can use the map to determine whether your trading partners are connected to the HIway. However, neither the map nor the Mass HIway can provide details as to what types of messages the organizations listed in the map can receive. Before sending messages to another organization over the HIway, first coordinate whether they are ready to receive those messages.

Patients can use the Mass HIway Connections Map to see if their healthcare organizations are signed up to use the Mass HIway. Speak with the providers or office staff at that healthcare organization to see if they are ready to use the HIway in patient care. It may take time before all care providers at an organization that is connected to the Mass HIway are ready to use the HIway.

Categorization of Connections

Contact The Mass HIway

Telephone icon  1-855-MA-HIway
         1 = Enrollment
         2 = Support
         3 = Information

Telephone icon  1-866-379-7375
   for password reset requests only,
          between 5 PM to 8:30 AM