Review the events below to register for webinars, workshops, and other events related to the Mass HIway, Health Information Exchange (HIE), Direct Messaging, Query HIE, Event Notification Services (ENS), Use Case development, and other related topics. Please check back regularly, as new events will be posted in the near future.
Upcoming Events
Currently, there are no new events scheduled. Review the recordings of relevant recent events below.
Recent Events
WEBINAR RECORDING - Mass HIway 2021 Attestation
Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
For 2021, the Mass HIway Regulations (101 CMR 20.00) require all Acute Care Hospitals, all Community Health Centers, and Large and Medium Medical Ambulatory Practices to meet the HIway connection requirement by January 1, 2021. Acute Care Hospitals also need to send Admission Discharge Transfer notifications (ADTs) to the Statewide ENS Framework by April 1, 2021. These organizations need to submit an attestation form by October 31, 2021 to confirm whether they have met the requirements. During this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the HIway connection and ENS requirements, including recent updates, and how to submit their attestation forms online. Presenters will also address commonly asked questions regarding the Attestation Form.
WEBINAR RECORDING - Provider Directory 2.0
Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
In this webinar will discuss how you can leverage PD 2.0 to find new HIE trading partners and enhance care coordination, as well as how you can ensure the information for your organization is listed accurately in the Provider Directory. We will also provide updates on forthcoming and proposed changes to the Provider Directory per the DirectTrust.
VIRTUAL LEARNING COLLABORATIVE - Sharing Sensitive Health Information
Monday, June 14, 2021 - 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
In this webinar we explore the topic of sharing sensitive health information electronically. Dr. Hannah Galvin, Chief Medical Information Officer at Cambridge Health Alliance and leader of a national workgroup on data segmentation, will present her insights into this important topic.
We will also revisit the documents and guides created at our 2016 Learning Collaborative, designed to help providers with communicating the benefits of patient information-sharing to their Behavioral Health patients. We will gather input from participants on necessary revisions to some of those resources in light of new legislation and updated regulations. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to share challenges, success stories, and best practices with one another. These open discussions are the foundation of all our Learning Collaborative events.
For an agenda and biography of the speaker, click here.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Query HIE uses the Query-based Information Exchange method to allow care providers to query (search) and retrieve patient information made accessible by other care providers who have previously seen the same patient. Query HIE is particularly useful for unplanned care, such as emergency room visits, but can also be helpful for planned care as well.
In the webinar, we will explain how Query HIE works, when to use it, how it compares to Direct Messaging, and how it can be beneficial to improving patient care. We will also discuss implementations based on the Commonwell and Carequality initiatives. Furthermore, we will present how the Mass HIway's Account Management team can assist with implementing Query HIE, including the technical implementation and the associated workflows. Join us for this webinar to learn more about Query HIE.
WEBINAR RECORDING - Mass HIway Event Notification Services (ENS)
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
The Mass HIway created the Statewide Event Notification Services (ENS) Framework to facilitate the provision of ENS across the Commonwealth to improve health care delivery, quality, and care coordination. The framework seeks to promote Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADTs) data sharing; increase access to ENS for providers of all sizes; streamline the provider experience by allowing for single submission and single reception of data; and to improve the timeliness of data exchange.
This webinar will cover what ENS is and how the Statewide ENS Framework works. We will highlight the advantages of using the framework and provide use case examples. The presentation will showcase the certified ENS Vendors and summarize the certification process. We will also explain how Massachusetts providers, as well as clinical and support staff, can subscribe to an Event Notification Service to receive patient alerts. Join us for this webinar to learn more about the Statewide ENS Framework.
Recordings of Past Webinars
To view additional recordings of past webinars, click here.